Know these Five (5) Tips to Save on your Life Insurance Premium | EfPrime Finance

Know these Five (5) Tips to Save on your Life Insurance Premium | EfPrime Finance 


Know these Five (5) Tips to Save on your Life Insurance Premium | EfPrime Finance

When you’re considering life insurance, there are a lot of different factors to consider. There is no one-size-fits all approach when it comes to this type of coverage, so in some cases you may need more than one type of policy. The key is to assess your particular situation and then take appropriate action.

This article will go through 5 important tips on what you need to know about life insurance and how it can protect your family’s future.


1. Understand How Much Coverage You Will Need

One of the first things you will need to do is to figure out how much coverage you will need for your situation. One way that can help you do this, is to consider how much it would cost for your family to be able to continue their same lifestyle if you were no longer around and they had no income. For example, this includes looking at things like mortgage or rent payments, what bills would need to be paid (such as utilities, car loans and insurance), as well as considering whether or not they would still be able to depend on your income (in the form of retirement or other savings). You can calculate the cost if you want to by using the following formula: Annual income (x) 10 years, the product is the ideal value of your life insurance coverage. This means that in case of your unfortunate death, your respective family can live without changing their lifestyles for the next 10 years.


2. Be Cautious With Term Life Insurance

Many people think that term life insurance is the best way to go, especially for those who do not want to pay a lot to get life insurance since it is a cheap insurance. However, this is not the case. Not only that, but it also comes with a host of different restrictions and limitations that you might not be aware of. Term insurance as compared to VUL life insurance, the former is prone to policy lapsation due to non-payment because the insured is not motivated to pay off his/her premium since paying a term insurance is actually an outright expense of the family.

Another negative aspect of term life insurance is that the longer you are in your policy, the more likely you are to become uninsurable due to changes in health and age. Some companies will even cancel your coverage after only 3 years if you become uninsurable. These are not major issues when you have a term policy, but it can be a real problem.


3. Learn to Save for Your Future

Again, this is something that many people ignore simply because they do not want to have to work for the rest of their lives, and think that things will just fall into place if they are given the opportunity to collect an inheritance. It is important to save your future and teach yourself how to live on less if you want the freedom of being retired with a secure future. There are many ways that you can do this without having to sacrifice too much in your current lifestyle.

4. Make a List of Things You Want to Do in Life

Looking for something to do in retirement is extremely important. If you have never thought about what it is that you want to do, then chances are you will end up doing nothing and will become restless and bored.


5. What Do You Need? What Do You Want?

There is a difference between the two, but both are important to think about when it comes the time to choose your final resting place. Do you know how much income you need for the rest of your life and make sure it is in the right account so that if someone inherits money from you they can access it easily without much paperwork.

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The Author is advising readers to consult with your respective Financial Advisors before venturing in any investments. Investing your money is dependent to your goals and your risk tolerance. You should know the risks and rewards of investing before you actually do the same. The illustrations above are for educational purposes only and any risks or losses that you may incur are imputable to your respective decisions.

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