Cheapest Life Insurance In the Philippines Explained: Philam Life Guardian | EfPrime Financials

Cheapest Life Insurance In the Philippines Explained: Philam Life Guardian | EfPrime Financials 

Date Updated: 16 August 2020 

In this blog, I will discuss Philam Life's cheapest life insurance called Guardian. Guardian is term insurance. Term insurance is a type of life insurance policy that provides coverage for a certain period of time or a specified "term" of years. If the insured dies during the time period specified in the policy and the policy are active, or in force, a death benefit will be paid. 1/ Related: What you need to know about life insurance? 

A simple tip, there is no such thing as one size fits all in terms of life insurance. Every person has different protection needs depending on whether you are single, married, or married with kids and of course, depending as to how many people depend on your income.  


Here are the things that will be discussed: 
Pros and Cons 
Amount of Premiums 
Guaranteed Life Insurance Coverage 
Accident and Health Coverage 
Accidental Death Benefit 
Waiver of Premium 
Hospitalization Coverage
Philam Vitality 
Is this policy for me? 
How to buy this insurance? Click here

Pros and Cons 

High Protection for your family
This insurance is good for Estate Planning   
Can be converted to a permanent plan within a year 
Low cost of insurance 
Renewable every year without proof of insurability until age 85 
Can earn you PhP200.00/week up to PhP10,400.00 per year thru Philam Vitality  


No investment/No cash surrender value 

Amount of Premiums 

The cost of the premium is related to the life insurance coverage that you applied for. The more comprehensive your life insurance coverage is, the higher is the cost of your insurance. 

The good thing about Philam Life Guardian is that you can choose to buy only the life insurance coverage. You can add Accident and Health Coverage, Accidental Death Benefit, Waiver of Premium, and Hospitalization Coverage if you want to have more protection for your family. 

This is an example of Philam Life's Guardian. A quotation for a 30-year-old, single Filipino: 
Life insurance Coverage    P500,000.00
Cost of Premium                P2,310.00 per year 

This is a basic protection Philam Life Insurance. You can also add additional protection which includes the following: 

Accident and Health Coverage        P1.5Mn 
Accidental Death Benefit                 P1.5Mn
Waiver of Premium                           Yes 
Hospitalization Coverage:                
Daily Hospital Income                      1,400/day
Long term Hospitalization income    1,400/day
Intensive Care unit                           2,800/day 

The additional cost for these coverages is PhP9,413.16. The total cost of insurance is PhP11,723.16 which includes the life insurance coverage and all the additional protection coverages.  

Guaranteed Life Insurance Coverage 

The lowest life insurance coverage is PhP500,000.00 and can go as high as PhP999,999,999.00. This means, if ensured dies within the covered period, beneficiaries will get coverage.

Accident and Health Coverage 

The insured is entitled to get coverage if in case ensured encountered an accident. 

Accidental Death Benefit 

The insured's beneficiary is entitled to get coverage if death is due to accident. 

Waiver of Premium 

If the Insured gets total and permanent disability or gets diagnosed with the 10 critical illnesses, then Philam Life Insurance will waive the future payments of your premiums. As if your AIA All in One is already paid in full. You will enjoy continued coverage. 

Hospitalization Coverage

Hospitalization is paid on a per-day basis. The hospitalization coverage is as follows:                
Daily Hospital Income                      1,400/day
Long term Hospitalization income    1,400/day
Intensive Care unit                           2,800/day 

Philam Vitality

Philam Vitality is an innovative technology that provides PhP200.00 Cash Rewards or it's equivalent every week if ensured performs physical exercise. Yes, you will be rewarded  PhP200.00 every week or a total of PhP10,400.00 per annum if you do physical exercise. 

You'll get rewarded PhP200.00 upon initial use of the application. Your rewards include: PhP200.00 Grab Riders per weeks or PhP200.00 Globe/Smart/TM or PhP200.00 SM Cinema or PhP200.00 Cofee Bean Tea Leaf or PhP200.00 g-cash or PhP200.00 Robinsons grocery

Discounts to partner companies 
The discounts to partner companies are as follows: 

Is this policy for me? 

This life insurance is for you if you are as follows: 
  • You just started working; 
  • Trying to save money in paying for life insurance premiums; 
  • You are not looking for an investment 
  • You are short in money/income; and 
  • Looking to secure your estate. 

How to buy this insurance? Click here

Request for Life Insurance Quotation


This life insurance a very good life insurance if cash is tight. You can now perform all your tasks knowing that if anything happens to you, your family is secured. 

You can enjoy peace of mind while doing your job of providing for your family. 

Book my services as Financial Advisor. Get Free AIA All In One Life Insurance Quotation.

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You can reach me out in the following social media:

Linked-in: Efraim Osingat, CPA, MBA, RFP

FB Page: Financial Literacy Evolution


Youtube: EfPrime Financials

All Rights Reserved. 


The Author is advising readers to consult with your respective Financial Advisors before venturing in any investments. Investing your money is dependent to your goals and your risk tolerance. You should know the risks and rewards of investing before you actually do the same. The illustrations above are for educational purposes only and any risks or losses that you may incur are imputable to your respective decisions.

The author does not in any way provide a guaranty as to the effectiveness and quality of the products and services that are featured in this blog.  The products and services were advertised based on personal experience and product and service reviews that the product/service received. 

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2/ The amount of life insurance that you pay to get a life insurance protection. 


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